Sunday 31 July 2011

Atlantic International Partnership: Our Advantage Approach

Here at AIP we aim to deliver to all our clients a consistent level of returns on their investments. We aim to do this by applying our dedicated methods strictly to any investment process. Our processes are built around our thorough efforts into investment research and our strong focus on asset allocation according to the kind of investment profile our clients possess. Such investment profiles are determined by one of our senior advisers after a successful interview of a prospective client investor. Through these actions we are able to construct for each investor a innovative portfolio. Such a construction involves the development of an investment strategy, the appropriate asset allocation and a combination our best investment managers and our extensive portfolio of companies.

  1. Investment Research: One of our core principles is our research initiative. The quality and the integrity of our research is of the utmost importance to any investment process.

  1. Asset Allocation: We believe asset allocation is paramount in it’s importance in the delivery of the best possible returns for our client investors.

  1. Investment Managers: AIP actively seeks to identify investment managers who have shown superior investment capabilities.

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