Sunday 31 July 2011

Atlantic International Partnership: Our Advantage Approach

Here at AIP we aim to deliver to all our clients a consistent level of returns on their investments. We aim to do this by applying our dedicated methods strictly to any investment process. Our processes are built around our thorough efforts into investment research and our strong focus on asset allocation according to the kind of investment profile our clients possess. Such investment profiles are determined by one of our senior advisers after a successful interview of a prospective client investor. Through these actions we are able to construct for each investor a innovative portfolio. Such a construction involves the development of an investment strategy, the appropriate asset allocation and a combination our best investment managers and our extensive portfolio of companies.

  1. Investment Research: One of our core principles is our research initiative. The quality and the integrity of our research is of the utmost importance to any investment process.

  1. Asset Allocation: We believe asset allocation is paramount in it’s importance in the delivery of the best possible returns for our client investors.

  1. Investment Managers: AIP actively seeks to identify investment managers who have shown superior investment capabilities.

Atlantic International Partnership: Our Advantage Strategy

Our teams of advisors and analysts at AIP are involved in the drawing up of investment strategies for our clients. They are always aware of each individuals investment profile and understand the need to consider various alternatives. While investments in equities is going to be the fundamental part of the portfolio construction, we understand that these are to be viewed as medium to long term. we fully understand the need for you to hold sufficient funds that are easily accessible from bank accounts. In making recommendations we also consider lower risk investments such as Government Bonds. Any well balanced portfolio should have exposure to companies from foreign markets.

Atlantic International Partnership: Services Finance Planning

Let AIP provide you with the financial planning needed to reach your goals. At AIP we know just how important a good financial plan is. We understand the need for a plan which helps you to utilize all of your resources in the most effective way. Our advisers will help you to identify any potential shortcomings or excesses in your financial situation. We will show you what you need to do in developing a strategy designed to reach your financial goal.

AIP understands the importance of financial planning, we know how a good plan will serve as a solid foundation to build upon as you set off down the road to your financial future. A good financial plan will try to counter against effects of inflation and fluctuations in global markets. You want to construct a financial plan which will endeavor to produce the very best financial returns for your future plans or retirement needs. A good plan will also need to account for the rising cost of education and changes in taxation law.

Your first meeting wit AIP’s financial advisors will help you to build a financial plan designed just for you. No products or services are suggested to you. What you receive is the personalized financial information and guidance you need to get you on track to achieving those goals and aspirations that we all have.

atlantic international partnership: Services Retirement Planning

In today’s economic climate retirement is becoming an important concern for all of us. On average we are living longer and that means more retirement years to plan for, to save and invest for. As the old welfare systems designed to provide pensions crumble under the strain of increasing life expectancy, we at AIP realize that this is a crucial factor to account for in all of our clients financial panning.

What are the costs of retirement:

  1. Projected living costs

  1. Current assets set aside for retirement

  1. Current savings and investment programs

  1. Projected rates of inflation

How should you prepare for retirement? AIP advisers are here to help you understand and feel better about achieving a secure financial future. Our advisors will show you how to diversify your investment assets without any of the stress involved.